Just like everything else all over the #world that were used to has changed, and more ways of doing things still changing, So is how we #decorate, furnish our #homes and other #interior spaces.
I am Tumi Uzonwanne, I am an Interior Designer and I will be sharing Practical storage tips with you. This tips could benefit mothers of young kids btw ages 1-10yrs and teenagers too.

There are a lot of endless things we hoard and clutter our spaces with. Many of our old clothes are really of no use to us anymore, Many of our #children have heaps of both new and old clothes, shoes etc, they have outgrown in their #wardrobes, out of date clothes, shoes spilling out unchecked, suitcases everywhere filled with more clothes!
One of my many de clutter rules is, if I have not used or worn a piece of item for a whole year then it is no longer important, it means I can do without that item. Think about it !
De-clutter Tips:
1) Do a spring clean, cut out your emotions and separate those useful items from the ones you don’t need again. Donate them to a charity or the less privileged. You may offend close family members if you took used items you thought they could benefit from to them. It is easy to offend people these days, so weigh your actions well before giving away used clothings, shoes and accessories.
I2) If you are holding on to those expensive designer wears that you didn’t get to wear much and you are pained and looking like money down the drain… Lol, you can still sell them online as #preloved items especially if they are still in absolute good condition. There are many clothes??, shoes ??and bags ?bought, never worn sitting at the bottom of our wardrobes. We often hope to loose that #weight and fit into them again but that may never happen.
Embrace your new size, #exercise daily, #eat sensibly. ( self love )
3) Invest in practical storage solutions that work for your personality and not just any storage. Think about your weaknesses and why you have the storage problems in the first place. Are you the type that throws everything upside down once you can’t find your favourite item and the whole house looks like a tornado just blasted through in seconds ??? If you are that type of person then a storage with many compartments might just be the best for you.
Throw out your junks!!!
Once the old are out, in comes the new!
Stay #safe, stay #beautiful and stay #blessed!!??